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UN Packaging


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From £6.64 excl VAT
From £1.15 excl VAT

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What is UN approved packaging?

UN approved packaging is a type of box or liner that has been produced, tested, and certified by the United Nations in order to safely transport dangerous materials – solid or liquid. UN boxes and UN certified packaging is developed for its durability, stability and water absorption. Doing so assures its efficacy in safely transporting high-risk goods, including infectious substances, flammable items and liquids, chemicals, toxic substances, pesticides and more.

Find the right UN approved packaging for your goods

There are many types of containers, materials, and packaging groups that fall within this line of products. Challenge Packaging specialises in the following:

  • UN approved boxes – Boxes approved for meeting UN standards to carry hazardous goods by rail, air, land, and sea.
  • UN certified liners – Polythene bags that are certified to carry dangerous items even without using UN approved boxes. The box or liner you use will depend on the amount of goods classified by its 4G or 4GV rating.

UN certified packaging requirements guide

If you’re shipping hazardous goods, you’ll need to use UN-approved packaging, and follow a UN certified packaging requirements guide.

Why choose Challenge Packaging?

There can be no compromising on UN packaging, so our specialised UN packaging for the transport of flammable, toxic and corrosive substances is reliable and thoroughly tested to meet UN criteria. Transport dangerous goods by rail, sea, air, and land with this range of specialised packaging solutions.

Our UN certified boxes are available in a range of different sizes, promising versatility for transporting various hazardous cargo. Plus, you can package smaller items together and add all the necessary precautions in transit with UN certified liners, safe for reuse and transport even without a UN certified box.


Why do certain goods need UN-approved packaging?

A failure to transport hazardous materials safely, such as sending them in substandard packaging, can result in harm to people, property, animals, and the environment.

What dangerous goods categories are there?

There are 9 dangerous goods categories, as follows:
  • Type 1: Explosives
  • Type 2: Gases
  • Type 3: Flammable liquids
  • Type 4: Flammable solids
  • Type 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxide
  • Type 6: Toxic and infectious substances
  • Type 7: Radioactive material
  • Type 8: Corrosive
  • Type 9: Miscellaneous dangerous goods

How can I understand the codes on UN-approved packaging?

You can find a breakdown of what UN-approved packaging codes mean on our UN-approved packaging guide.